“Untitled Unmade”
March-May 2022
Handmade Paper
Dyed with Handmade Turmeric Ink
Handmade Paper
Dyed with Handmade Turmeric Ink
23.25 x 59.25in(Triptych)
19.75 x 23.25in (Panel)
19.75 x 23.25in (Panel)
“Untitled Unmade” is a screen printed triptych on handmade, dyed paper. The image is a digital collage of the CSX A-Line Bridge and Richmond City. The project was done in collaboration with Shayla Pham (website link), as part of an Undergraduate Research Grant recieved from VCU.
Each copy is light sensitive, and loses color over time. Thirty-Four prints were made in total, with the amazing equipment used at Studio23 in Richmond. Copies were printed in brown and gray, as well as one multicolored print.
An open reception was held on May 16th, 2022 at Pump House Park, in which sections of triptychs were broken off and given away for free to passerbys.